
Oct 31, 2009

Papadom (2009)

Sebenarnya dah 2 minggu lepas penulis tengok movie ni, tapi baru harini rasa rajin sikit nak post entri ni terime kasih kepada test², assignment² & projek² yang melintang. Citer Papadom ni memang best, tak hairan la dapat menang award bertimbun. Part² yang paling lawak adalah part² yang ada Harun Salim Bachik & bayangan isteri Saadom.

Scha al-Yahya pun ada! hoyeh²!

Rating: 9/10

Oct 28, 2009

Penangan Projek McD

Maklhuk Dalam Gambar: Penulis, Dasuki, Acap & Nik
Lokasi: Library UMP
Tarikh: 9:56 PM, 26 Oct 2009
Kerja Yang Tak Siap: Car Design Project, Mechanical Design (McD)

Oct 25, 2009

A Bunch of Works

Got a lot of assignments, project, essay, and tests coming through. The last week of this sem, I'll gonna be very very very busy!!!


Oct 20, 2009


Sebenarnya nak post entri ni semalam, tapi disebabkan semalam internet kat rumah penulis tiba² problem pulak... So terpaksa la ditunda ke hari ni.

Anyway, thanks to Ijud and my sis for the surprise. && to Eddy, Acap, Nik, Suki & Kak Ecah thanks for coming. I was really happy last night!!

Dan tak lupa jugak kat semua yang wish for my 21st birthday. Aku sayang korang semua!!

Oct 16, 2009

Sebelum Shutdown

OK. Baru je siap salin jawapan² kat dalam buku teks untuk diguna time test esok. Test esok open book, so harap² boleh la jawab. Tadi dah set ngan my sis, malam esok nak tengok citer Papadom.

Got to go. Wish me luck untuk test Mechanical Design esok yer. Yosh!!!

Oct 14, 2009


Currently, nothing much to do (except the 4 essays for my BI subject and 2 tests this week), So banyak habiskan masa kat depan laptop je. Kalau tak main Red Alert, penulis main PES. Kalau tak tengok movie, tengok budak² rumah main street fighter. Itu la rutin penulis 2,3 hari ni. Bila la nak jadi budak rajin...

Esok dah test lab, lusa pulak test McD. Ciao dulu, nak tengok cite setem pulak. (Ceh! Tak pernah berubah ini budak! Hahahaha)

P/S: Dah lama tak main bowling. Harap² weekend ni boleh eksesais sikit tangan kanan ni. Huhuhu...

Oct 12, 2009

Movies For This Week

For this week, I've wathed these movies...

& among all, G-Force is the best!!

Those Molecule

"I told you NO"

Shoeshine: "But every molecule of me was screaming YES"

Underdog (2007)

Oct 11, 2009

Kak Ida's Open House

Harini my sis, Kak Ida ada buat open house. So penulis & family yang lain dah standby kat rumah dia sejak malam khamis lagi. Tolong apa yang patut...

Rumah kakak penulis ni kat belakang UIA Gombak. Ramai jugak yang datang tadi, agak letih walaupun harini kerja penulis makan aje... Hehehe. Usha² la gambar pada masa kejadian....

Kak Ida (berdiri) sedang layan member² cikgu sekolah

Abang Azrul pun sibuk melayan tetamu

Degan sepupu penulis, Chef Mazri

P/S: Malam tadi sempat pergi Convest kat UIA. Gerai² kat sana sangat banyak, tak macam eXpoconvo kat UMP. Sampai rumah Kak Ida pukul 12 lebih, disambut oleh Adam yg masih cergas akibat tido dia dah cukup time shift petang tadi. Siapa la mangsa berjaga malam harini...

Oct 7, 2009



In this heat of
PLEASE choose your word carefully


Tsunami At Haeundae (2009)

You will laugh (definitely) or maybe tears at the same time...

Watched this Korean movie at Teruntum Mall with my 6 other housemates. Just 7 of us plus 2 couples in the cinema hall. As this is a disaster movie which is about the destruction caused by a super-tsunami, i didnt expect that this movie actually have a lot of comedy scene in it!!

Okay. Now I'll start with a lil' bit synopsis of this film. This is a story of 3 couples which finally the tsunami bring them together.

Choi Man-Sik is an ex-fisherman who lost his ship and colleague to the 2004 tsunami. Since then, he didn't want to fish anymore. After the 2004 incident, Man-Sik takes care of his colleague's daughter, Yeon-hee & he fall in love with her.

Kim Hwi is an expert in seismic and tsunami activities. He has a wife albeit estranged, Yoo-Jin and a daughter who doesn't know him. Hwi was adamant that a mega-tsunami was going to hit Korea but was laughed off by his associates.

Brother Man-Sik, Hyung-Sik is a lifeguard at Haeundae beach. His character saves this Seoul girl Hee-Mi but injured her in the process.

Oh! Don't forget this guy. Mamat ni lawak gila lah!

The way he run, remind me of my lecturer! Jom² teka siapa?

Although the CGI is not the best but i have to say that its a great achievement!

With a mega-tsunami heading straight for Haeundae at 500 miles per hour, is it possible to evacuate one million visitors & citizens out of Busan in only ten minutes!!?

Rating: 8/10

P/S: Can't wait for 2012. Another must-see-movies of 2009!!

Oct 4, 2009

Finally Its Over!!

After 4 months of planning & some works, finally the eXpoconvo is over!! Thanks to every person who support this programme. Gonna miss budak² eXpoconvo especially Bob, Syukri, Hafeez, Chip, Izzah, Farah, Ain & Nadiah. Bahagian Protokol memang bahagia! Hehehe.

Oh. && tak lupa jugak special thanks to Abang Wan who really supportive!

Budak² Protokol: Syukri (TKJ), penulis, Bob, Ain, Nadiah, Izzah (KJ), Farhana, Farah, Chip & Hafeez

Oct 2, 2009

eXpoconvo - Dua.Haribulan.Sepuluh

Harini start acara first utk eXpoconvo '09 iaitu talk pasal bahaya dadah oleh penceramah dari Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan. Tapi agak sedih sikit sebab takde tak ramai pun budak² UMP yang datang. Nasib baik la ada budak sekolah yang datang, kalau tak, tempat duduk memang banyak la yang kosong.

Lagi satu masalah bila majlis tu kena tangguh untuk 20-30 minit sebab pentas tiba² blackout. So kitorang dari Bahagian Protokol kena bawa budak² sekolah tadi pergi ronda² pameran sekitar pentas utama.

Lepas je talk pasal bahaya dadah tu habis dalam pukul 11, kitorang eskot pulak budak² tu pergi DKU untuk dengar Dialog 1 Malaysia. On the way ke DKU tu macam² soalan ditujukan kat kitorang. Contohnya: Blajar kat U ni best tak bang? U ni dah lama ada ke? Abang ambil course apa? Mechi tu apa???

Tak macam hebat pulak semangat ingin tahu diorang ni. Penulis pun apa lagi, jawab ikut sedap mulut je la... Bila lagi nak tunjuk pandai kat budak² tak cukup umur ni. Iyer tak? Program tu penulis sempat join dalam 10 minit je pastu gegas pulak naik bas ke Pekan sebab harini penulis ada lab. Malamnya ada Ceramah Gagasan 1 Malaysia kat Masjid UMP dan macam biasa ada post mortem sebagai penutup. Sampai rumah dalam pukul 2 pagi, kena siapkan untuk presentation project esok. Sori la kat budak² group penulis, penulis tak boleh nak menyumbang sangat harini, kepala otak pun dah jammed.

OK lah mata dah berat, mintak diri dulu...

Dalam ramai² budak skolah tu, penulis terjumpa adik Eddy! Sama tak? Hahaha...